
With a lot of pride I am able to say that on June 8th I was awarded as one of the youngest photographers, and the youngest Belgian, the title and quality label of Qualified European Photographer (QEP) at the QEP-judging session held in Riga, Latvia. I am also merely the 3th Belgian and 18th European photographer who is awarded this QEP-title in the category Architecture.

QEP Certificate Nick De Clercq


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De Gentenaar / Het Nieuwsblad interviewde mij in verband met mijn “European Photographer”-kwalificatie die ik recent in ontvangst mocht nemen. Het artikel/interview verscheen gisteren (24/10/2013) in De Gentenaar / Het Nieuwsblad. Read more

Last week I returned from my trip to Paris, France. It was supposed to be a trip of a week, but unfortunately my grandfather passed away and I had to return home.

1. Things to see

In Paris there are lots and lots of landmarks from gardens to buildings and squares but these are the ones I always go back to:

These past 3 weeks, I was in Nova Scotia, Canada. A great place to go and unwind and photograph the vast nature that is still present. While Nova Scotia might seem,  to most travelers outside of Canada, as a province with nothing to do, but it is home to 2 national parks, one of the most beautiful trails in the world and the Bay of Fundy that has the highest tidal range in the world. Nova Scotia also has the highest number lighthouses of any province in Canada, which is amazing as it is the second smallest province of Canada.

1. Lighthouses to see

As Nova Scotia has the most lighthouses in Canada, you certainly have to go out and visit some of the most notable lighthouses.

Today I received my 3 FEP awards from the hands of the FEP President, Jørgen Brandt.

I won these 3 FEP awards with my series of architectural photos in one of the most important professional photography competitions of this moment, the “European Professional Photographer of the Year Awards”. The award ceremony was held in the beautiful town of Gmunden, Austria by the Federation of European Photographers (FEP), during the “Gmunden Fototage”. Read more